(Kathleen Team WILD member, fellow pumper, and me at New Years)
Great to see your blogs Kate! I absolutely love that pic of you in the sunset!!! Haha, is there a right time for kids?! AHH, I'm just planning for things and it seems like the birthing thing keeps getting pushed further back. What about 45? Sheesh, and the "pressure" (mainly from me) from my sisters now having kids. My nephew just celebrated his 1st birthday and my sister's wife is about to pop next month. I'm ready, my life isn't. Guess thats the selfishness I'm suppose to lose when having a child. Mark's okay with putting it off for longer than I am. To answer his question: no, having a cactus is not fufilling the need. Anyway, plan is 1-2 years, ha, for now.
To Team WILD or not to Team WILD? Another thing thats on my mind. With no word of a 2010 DTC, I could cry not having the experience annually. So will Team WILD replace it? The cost is an issue: $350 WILD fee + $250 race fee + $250 bike shipping + $200 flight + 330 (3 night stay) hotel = a lot. I'm not saying its not worth it because I genuinely feel DTC was priceless. Ahhh, don't know. Plus, not to be a debbie downer, but its an inagural race (usually logistical problems) and in Branson, Missouri. Hum... On the upside, I'd train with great gals and get motivation (which I've been lacking), plus have endless support, and the finale the race! Finishing is what its all about. This doesn't help, I'm still torn.

(Homemade freaking delicious spicy crispy chewy sweet salty walnuts)
16 days into the cleanse, 24 more to go. I must admit, I've cheated but only when out with friends. Here at home, no alcohol, processed food, meat, coffee. Its going okay, I do feel more vibrant and energetic which is surprising considering I gave up my coveted coffee. My Mr. Coffee has never been so frowny. It has made a difference in my blood sugars. This might be one of those confounding variables because I'm not snacking at work (cause there's nothing to eat thats NOT processed) and being more aware of what I eat. Also, I've noticed some differences with non-wheat/gluten foods. So I might do a little test (of the emergency broadcasting system) later to see about some gluten intolerance but I am doing too much right now with food. Anyway, no difference in my weight which is frustrating.
Lots of changes at work, it seems like everyone is changing shifts, leaving for other departments. And they're cutting down on the techs which means soon there will be none. Everything is going to fall on the nurses. I must say though, this is the easiest job I've had in my life, so there is no room to even flinch a complaint. Not that nursing is easy, its just my hospital. We are rarely filled to capacity and don't see many critical patients. Many days I come home feeling I've been a robot all day. The theme of the day today was abdominal pain. Each one was sent home with discharge instructions "you've got abdominal pain, nothing emergent found, take this medication and if not better in 5-7 days, go to your regular doctor." This is the typical day. Although yesterday I did have a doctor tell me to give a patient a meal when she had significant tongue swelling (she could barily stick it out) because she was anxious and hungry. If we fed her, she wouldn't be so anxious. HAH. Plus how's she going to put the spoon in her mouth?
Thursday's forcast: Rainy skies with wind, no work, overdue cleaning, much curling under a blanket, needed baking.