Hello out there! :) I felt the urgent need for a new blog today. So long ago since we all connected. So many things have happened in all our lives and its time to share! Kat, you're done with your first semester of moving towards an RN degree--yay!! Plus moved to a place where you can almost organize a race around the land you now own. Hope the family is enjoying the new place with your father being so near! Kate--long time no hear. Almost done with the school year and new possibilities next year, I'm so interested in hearing about new plans/goals.
Did anyone end up joining Team WILD? I think I might (very hesitant, hense the "might") be doing triabetes ironman next year in Idaho. Very not sure. But if either one of you said they'd do it, I'm in 100%. Its a good time of year for me and right now needing some REAL motivation.
Things in my world have been umm "interesting." And by interesting, I mean uninteresting. Since the IM, I've been in a funk, not knowing what to do, not really liking doing anything cardiovascular. Taking it slow, still working out but not really pushing myself and just gliding through workouts. The weather has been crappy, rainy and cold, but ultimately it comes down to me to stop making excuses. I've gained 13 pounds and very upsetting b/c honestly, I have been doing 5-6 days of working out a week, but like I said, just gliding, which apparently doesn't cut it. Ironically though, I got an excellent A1c and even better one today. My blood sugars have been great irrelevant to my expanding size--ekk. Nothing works better for me than group workouts, so I joined Crunch fitness, which has numerous workouts throughout the day. Downside--its indoors, $, and not triathlon specific. Upside--motivation, stop gliding, reduce the number on scale. Also included in that--stop snacking and eating when I'm not hungry just cause something is there. Reason to say it here is so I'll stick to it. When I say (or write) something, I do it.
I did my first race of the season--Big Sur 9 miler. It actually went better than expected--my time goal was exceeded and another goal was acheived. Next up is Bay to Breakers which is a pretty famous 12K (7.4 miles) and known for being a drunken-liberal-naked men fest. Last year, it was a great introduction to SF and was happy to be hit in the head with 27 tortillas before the start. Apparently, thats the way to get your game face (or head) on.
The other day Mark and my bike got stolen off the back of our car. Stupid for thinking a bike lock would deter someone from taking them. We were in the library for about 25 minutes and came back with only the bike rack left. :( So sad. Police don't come out and so our renters insurance covered some of the bikes but doesn't cover the costs of the bikes. Makes me not want to buy more expensive ones b/c what if this happens again??? Plus, all those pictures were on the bike left from the IM and they didn't care. Poop. Anyway, so we're looking at some new bikes. Deciding between another road bike or a tri bike. I don't know how serious I'm going to be with triathlons anymore but tempted b/c they are so beautiful. They make bikes that make my mouth water. But they are lighter (so windy days can make you feel unsteady) and don't manuveur as well. Will update soon.
Thanks for listening to my rambles and hopefully some more updates from Washington and Florida! Here's a picture from Big Sur this weekend, so gorgeous!