So...how can one NOT be inspired by watching a fellow diabetic finishing one of the most amazing events ever??? Needless to say, I was/am inspired. So much so that Ironman 2011 in Id is now on my "to do"/goal list. Better yet...my darling husband wants to do it too!!
What other goals do I have? So of these are life goals, some are diabetic/health goals...but I am sharing both :o)
1. Return to school January 2010
2. Get Basal, Bolus & Correction rates dialed in better.
3. Learn that perfectionism is not attainable in day to day life, including in my diabetes.
4. At least 6-7hrs of workout time each week...including strength training.
Progress or Strategy So Far:
1. I am officially enrolled & registered in classes for 1/2010, just waiting on a small thing called financial aid.
2. Quarterly Basal, Bolus & Correction checks & continued consultation w/doc.
3. Daily inventory of what is going on in my life, reminding myself that even in my health, I am fallible. Learn to look at the positives of myself and the everyday blessings.
4. Flexibility is key...feed the athlete, don't beat her up because she failed to get up when the alarm went off...just exercise later in the day.
I think that about covers it. I do have a list of events I want to try in the coming 12 months...but I'm not promising anything there. My foot is healing nicely from the Plantars Fasciitis...it pays to do what the docs & pt people say...haha.
I pray my fellow buddies are doing well and enjoying their corners of the nation. Florida remains to be sunny and in the mid 70's during the day, 40-50's in the evening...Nice!
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