I second Kate's blog - it's been a while for me too! I made a joke with someone that has offered to help me train (for what I don't know) that I feel like I have a target posted on me rather than a racing bib :o) There has been the different foot injuries, the severely bruised butt injury (of all things), and NOW a nasty bronchial infection that has landed me on inhalers & steroids to clear it up. Talk about blood sugar upset!
The summer has definitely been about transition. The home we thought we were going to be in didn't work out. It has proven to be a learning experience, and not a fun one. We are now in a mobile home in a very rural setting on 1.75 acres. The schools are great for the kids, but it is just one of those situations where I look at life and wonder...what have I gotten us into? It is life though, full of change and ultimately, I have the choice of making the best of it. I am in school, practically full time, I DO get to be home with my boys in the afternoon and I'm sure the rest will work itself out as time goes on.
It is hard to believe it has been a little over a year since DTC!!! Through all of this past year, the good, the bad, the one thing I haven't lost is my desire to take care of me, my diabetes...and keep on exercising to the fullest! The drive has not left and I am happy about that.
I am happy to hear of my comrades accomplishments & desires to start families of their own!!! I can't wait to see it happen. Our family was talking the other night about the life changes we've experienced over the past year, regardless of our income, housing, etc. we remained truly blessed because of the joy our children bring to us and the fact that we are all committed to each other, to our faith and to family. No matter what hardship we have been faced with, and there have been many, our family has only grown stronger through it.
So...what now? Who knows, passing my classes would definitely be a good thing. I do hope I've made a good decision to embark into a new career field and that my bedside manner will be good when I do get to call myself an RN... Until then, I guess I'll just keep plugging away at life.
Take care & talk again soon!
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