Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I can't tell you how excited I am to have a goal buddy blog - absolutely amazing idea Holly! I can't wait to share my adventures and challenges with someone who completely understands what it's like to live with diabetes day in and day out. Four weeks ago, after leaving Diabetes Training Camp after a wonderful week of activity and frienships, I knew something in me had changed. I wasn't sure exactly what it was and I'm sure I still don't know. I've now lived with diabetes since 7th grade and the majority of the time diabetes has made me feel isolated and alone. At the same time, diabetes had made me one hell of a strong chick - bagging 14,495 foot mountains with other diabetics (thanks to Bearskin Meadow Camp) and I know my diabetes has pushed me to be at one of the healthiest points in my life right NOW! Up until Diabetes Training Camp, it had been 8 years since I lived in a sureal world with other diabetics at a summer camp and I realized I really missed being around people who understood without having to explain. There's just something about it that feels comfortable. Diabetes Training Camp brought that understanding back in my life again and just knowing my fellow campers are out there rooting for me makes all of the difference in the world! I've followed through on setting my goals from Carrie's talk at camp and I'm going to stick to focusing on and ultimately achieving the goals I've set in front of me. More on my goals later. I've set goals in the past, many of those self-talk "secret goals" but now there's no turning back - Holly's holding me accountable and I can't let her down! To the most amazing goal buddy anyone can have - LET'S DO THIS! Cheers to us and our amazing futures that lie ahead of us, whether it be finishing the Ironman with a sense of accomplishment or being ready to head towards the land "kid-dom" - we can do it and nothing can stop us! Goal buddies unite!

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