Today I did it, I finally got my A1c below 7% - 6.9% to be exact and it's the lowest it's been since probably 6 months before I was diagnosed with diabetes! The lowest in my diabetic life and I can't be any more happy. I went to my appointment early so that I could get my A1c done before I saw my doctor. Why? Because I really wanted to know! I'm working towards my goal of an A1c of less than 6.5% and I wanted to know if I was headed in the right direction. Sure, my averages were great and are getting better every week, but I had this sneaking suspicion that the A1c test would be totally inaccurate. They handed me the paperwork and I met Erik at my appointment and shared the news with him - I got a hug and a kiss and the feeling from him that he knows I can do it. Then I shared with him that I had this secret reward that I promised myself if my A1c was below 7% - salted carmel ice cream in a waffle cone at Molly Moon's! I could have easily driven myself to the ice cream shop any of these days but I decided my new reward for all of this hard work was an ice cream cone at Molly Moon's every 3 months after my appointment if I keep making headway towards my goal. Who the hell cares about one high blood sugar after ice cream every 3 months? It will be my "diabetes vacation". My appointment was great - my doc was very impressed with everything I've done since DTC. After camp I pretty much overhauled my pump, took my basal rates down to one rate and then built them back up, similar to taking a car into the mechanics shop. I've worked my ass of on basal test and carb ratio testing and from the looks of it - I'm there. She didn't recommend any changes but instead was interested in knowing how I got to where I am. I raved about DTC and my doc is actually interested in doing an internship with Dr. Matt at one of the future camps. She borrowed my book from camp and I can't wait for her to take a look at it. I feel like anyone who goes through DTC comes out with a different perspective and understands a lot more about the multifaceted challenges diabetes presents. Erik and I got the "green light" to head towards pregnancy although we've told ourselves that we are waiting until our Thailand trip in December and then at that point we'll see what happens. Today I feel great - I went on an amazing run with Chaco this morning and for the first time I feel like I really will be able to tackle pregnancy and know that it will be an adventure but that we can do it. The ice cream tasted great and knowing Erik had an ice cream cone at 5pm on a beautiful afternoon made me realize we are both in this together and together we can achieve more!
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