Okay, I fully realize that is a bit of an oxymoron; however, it is one of the things that best describes me :o) I have been praying and thinking (maybe over thinking) what my goals will be for the next several months to come...I have realized that thinking that far into the future may be a little much. I do know that the following is true of things I would like to accomplish:
1. Lose the 6-8 lbs that I somehow gained back at DTC?? Figure that one out..
2. Complete another Sprint Tri...may be doing one Nov 14th at FSU...we'll see
3. Complete a 1/2 Marathon
4. Complete an Olympic distance Tri
5. Find meaningful PART-TIME work in the Diabetes Field (God willing)
6. Go back to school
7. Continue to make my marriage & children my #1 priority!!!
8. Oh yeah, and allow my foot to heal up...I have plantars fascitis :o(
I commend you both for knowing your positive characteristics!! I actually had to think about that one for a while...I think as a mom and wife of now almost 13 years, you tend to put yourself on the back burner at times. When you both get there, you can let me know if that's true for you too (haha).
So, here it is...only positives:
1. Driven
2. Adventurous
3. Humorous (some may call it smart-assism)
4. Bright (not like a light bulb)
5. Open minded
6. Caring/loving
7. Honest
8. Beautiful (at the risk of sounding prideful)
Kate, I'm so glad you are enjoying teaching...my oldest will start middle school next year, so it's nice to hear that they're still considered small and cute at that age.
Holly, what is it, 2weeks?? I can't wait to see you there. My mom & stepdad are going to be camping in the area so they can see my boys do their tri on Sunday...I'm hopeful that they will want to check out the Ironman events too.
Stay well...chat again soon.
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