I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason and patience is really the key to life! I've totally figured IT out! Just kidding, I'm full of shit... The last week or so has been kinda challenging for me mentally. I came down with a nasty cold that really knocked the wind out of me and my blood sugars took off with the cold and what is usually a fairly clear picture with blood sugars during the day became as clear as mud. I'm almost done kickin' it though, so I'm looking forward to getting back to running tomorrow. Time to dust off the shoes, blow the nose one more time, and hit the pavement for some peace and quiet and a little bit of challenge! Interviews, interviews, and more interviews has been the name of the game for the last few days and I'm getting pretty tired of it all. I've been anticipating getting a job for the last few months and I hope I'm getting close. I feel like I've settled into filling up days without being employed so if I get a job soon, I think I'll be going from 0 to 60 pretty quickly. I should know by the end of the week if I have any offers on the table and if not, I'm fine with subbing and finding my challenges elsewhere. Goals - I've fallen off the bandwagon a little this past week with being sick and now it's time to jump back on the train and stay focused on my goals. Tonight I saw the most amazing sunset I've ever seen - or at least one of the more impressive sunsets I've experienced. It was unbelievable - I saw all of the colors in the rainbow up in the sky, with the Olympic Mountains in the background and Puget Sound in front of the mountains. It was like Skittles on crack! Yep, I'm never leaving Seattle - I'm staying for good! Our nightly walk up to Sunset Hill Park continues to knock me off my feet - even after 6 years of living here!
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