Coming up in the elevator of my apt complex you sometimes find yourself with some interesting people. About a month ago, a man saw me looking at my gps watch and asked me what I was training for. I told him then he said he was training for his first marathon and it was in about 3 weeks and guess WHY he was doing it?! For JDRF (his friends' son was just diagnosed)! GET OUT! He was raising money for our charity guys! What a great guy!
Forward ahead, tonight coming up from the gym, I was wearing my Austin Triathlon shirt and this dressed up couple was in the elevator. The guy looked at this woman and said, "she's a triathlete, what are you?" said in a very condesending way, she laughed (they might have been drinking and he was just making a joke). Nevertheless, it got me to thinking----how would I describe myself to people? This fired me up to blog and think about it. Here are 8 words to describe myself (only postives):
1. Reliable
2. Adventurous
3. Caring/supportive
4. Realistic
5. Determined/stubborn (oops, positives!!)
6. Feminist (well, equality)
7. Saver
8. Passionate (about ideas)
How bout you??????
Peace out,
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