Saturday, October 10, 2009


So ladies,

In response to your post, Kat, you can use the goal setting worksheet from camp, thats what Kate and I used. Mine are on hold for now--well, I guess the main goal will hopefully be accomplished soon. :) Oh, also, I had a round of days where literally I think I was under 250 for maybe a hour. I always feel embarrased (maybe the "bad diabetic" syndrome) explaining that one to Matt....luckily the swing has gone back to normal, still don't know what caused it, but I'm glad its over. I often wonder how those days add up and affect my kidneys and eyes, etc. But all you can do is try to do the best and live life to the fullest...we definitely are doing alllll that we can. Still its frustrating.
KATE, MAJOR KUDOS! I super happy for you finding a job--you're damn persistance paid off and its well worth it, hope you're still celebrating!
I've just spend much of the day today glued to the computer watching the Ironman World Championship in Kona. These are the creme de la creme and each athlete has qualified in another Ironman just to get to the starting line. Chrissie Wellington a pro female beat 3/4 of the male pro field...she's the Michael Phelpes of Triathlon and was UNKNOWN TWO years ago until she won...none of the commentators knew who she was and ended up winning first female! This is her third year winning and continues to dominate yet so amazingly humble and appreciative to her competition (if you can even call it that). Anyway, getting to my point, I'm totally fired up for Florida! Cannot believe its right around the corner!!! Taper time begins Monday.
Tomorrow is my last looong bike. I decided rather than do a 6-7 hour ride with Mark and a friend why not sign up for a century bike ride? So, I found one around here and now I'm doing a 106 mile ride/race which should be a lot more fun than "just another long ride!" Planning on working on nutrition, pacing, BSugars. Hopefully I can smoke Mark's behind! ;~) If I feel good, I'll run afterward, but if not, I'll bask in the sun to enjoy the afternoon sunshine, in my opium haze like JJ...hahah!!!

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