So I'm part way through my first week of actually having kiddos in my classroom and I'm loving it! I'm teaching a two hour block of math & science to 6th graders (boy are they little, cute, and mostly innocent) and two 8th grade math classes. Now the 8th graders, that's a different story! They're great though and I'm loving the school I'm a part of. Enough of the job talk...that's not really why I want to blog. Yeah, my job's a part of me - but I can talk to just about anybody about being a teacher and they'll understand. Underpaid, long hours, hilarious kids - everyone knows that! Unfortunately that's not the same thing with diabetes - I just can't talk to anybody because only select few really understand what it means to live with diabetes. That's why I LOVE THIS BLOG!
I love knowing that my "blog buddies" are out there, reading my blogs. I love knowing my "blog buddies" are waiting for my responses to their posts. We're in this adventure of living with diabetes together and together we'll prove to the world that we live with diabetes while we accomplish great things! Here's to us - "blog buddies"!
Holly - "She's a triathlete - what are you?" I can't even believe that guy said that... How the hell could he even begin to compare his wife and her feats to what you have lying in front of you. It's impossible I think! You're not just a triathlete - your much more than that and that's the great part. I think we formed a pretty instant connection at camp and my favorite people usually share a lot of the same characteristics in personalities that I do - hmmmmm....
Kat - I'm amazed by the apparent focus that you've put on your life and your diabetes. It's great that you and your husband prioritized you focusing on your running and your triathlons and have given yourself a break from work to focus on what is going to guide you forward. So you've bagged your first Sprint Tri - what's next? Keep up your training and I'm sooo excited that you and Holly will be able to connect in Florida in just a few short weeks. I only wish I could be there!
Here are 8 words to describe myself (only positive):
1. Energetic
2. Driven
3. Youthful
4. Smart
5. Caring
6. Organized
7. Adventurous
8. Dedicated
How about you?!?!
-Cottonmouth Kate...
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